What can we solve?
Thanks to the wealth of experience we had during our professional journey, we can predict the risk of adverse outcomes after shipping operations and act to succeed

Problems with carelessness?
We solve it!
People behind shipping
Ours is a service company made of people. We believe in people, we invest in people. We look after ourselves, and our relationships with others.
Umberto Clavarino, known to all as “Mr Clavarino”, founded our company in the Sixties. “Of course. It’s a bit complicated but I’m sure we can manage: we’ll look into it.” This was his reply whenever a customer on the other end of the line asked him for something which, at first glance, seemed impossible. Then he would stand up, walk around his desk and come over to us with his fingertips resting against his temples. We knew what was coming: we would have to find a solution, and we needed to find one together. For this reason, we think that the key to having a positive approach to work lies in meeting others halfway, in communication and empathy.
Our customers know that we find solutions for them because we compare notes internally, including with colleagues from other departments. Do we have heated discussions? Yes, often. Sometimes voices are raised and tempers become frayed. But that’s all part of our rules: if your idea is different to mine, convince me yours is right. Taking decisions by default is not an option.
We also try to create a warm atmosphere in our offices. We have a breakfast area with biscuits, coffee and cakes which we bring from home. And on rainy days, when the thought of going out at lunchtime doesn’t appeal, we set the table in the meeting room, order some food for everyone and have lunch together, so we can get away from our PCs and talk to our colleagues about our kids’ schools, last night’s football match and anything else that makes us feel good.
Each of us has his or her own role, but we help each other as well. This, too, is a tradition, and one which has been handed down through the years. Everyone remembers Mr Clavarino; on the odd occasion when he was free, he would look around and say, “Who needs help?” Then he’d go over to the pile of premium refund policies, cram them into his briefcase and head over to Customs. We always used to try to stop him: “We’ll go Mr Clavarino, there’s no need for you to go,” but he just waved us off: “Work is work,” he’d say, closing the door behind him.
Has it ever happened to you to work with companies with a carelessness approach? We keep the problems of our customers in the forefront to find the best solution together.

Lack of expertise?
we solve it!
A Group behind a company
Our commercial strength and our experience reside in Finsea, the Group we have been a part of for over forty years now.
And for over forty years, we have been handling logistics and port procedures; ours is a name etched on Genoa’s wharves. We are people first, a company second. Our heart lies in Genoa, but our business moves cargo from one side of the world to the other.
Originally a shipping agency (for Yang Ming Italy, Medmar Tramp and Intersea), during the course of our history we have also become hauliers (Mto, Silt), intermodal logistics operators (Logtainer), forwarders and customs specialists (Sat).
In a former life we were terminal operators (Terminal Sech, Terminal Darsena Toscana, Terminal Rinfuse Italia, Voltri Terminal Europa, Vecon) Now we have opted to invest in shipbuilding (Genova Industrie Navali) as well as cabotage (Blu Navy). We wear Slam, an all-Genoese story of salt and passion.
Always engaged in the territory that welcomes us, we participate in the resolution of the problems of our sector.
Finsea ensures we have a network of trusted partners throughout the logistics chain, extending our services to cover storage, road, rail and sea transportation, admin assistance and repairs, and allowing us to offer them to our customers.

Unfair pricing
We solve it!
The value of rates
Ours is an economic system which, over the years, has allowed us to prosper. It is a system geared towards coaxing margins, money and the free market. Meeting our customers in the middle is part and parcel of sales, and like everyone else, we do our bit to remain competitive on the marketplace. This also involves revising our quotes.
But we also believe in the value of making a fair profit, which generates prosperity through work. What does this actually mean though? We will attempt to explain.
More than once, customers we’ve only been working with a few months have asked us to lower the tariffs we had agreed on. More than loyalty discounts, they were asking for fully-fledged cuts. We have always thought long and hard about these requests; saying no to a customer is never easy. But in some cases it wouldn’t even have covered the time of our staff to complete the paperwork. Our management has often turned these requests down. It might mean losing the customer, but it has allowed us to stand by our principles, particularly where respecting work and people are concerned.
Our company sometimes answers downright unfair requests with a provocation. On one occasion, at the umpteenth request for a discount, Mr Clavarino announced we would do the work for free: “at least that way we’ll save money on opening the procedure.”
Pursuing a policy of achieving fair wealth for the business, recognising the dignity of our work and our people, generating wellbeing in our local area whilst maintaining an ethical, respectful approach to our partners: these are the values that underpin our rates.
This is our commitment to ensuring the market remains a healthy one, and that our work with competitors is based on sound ethical principles. We choose our customers based on these values; we are not the right partner for those unwilling to recognise them.
Are there values that underpin rates for you, too? Then you are a perfect customer to us!